August 27, 2012  •  Leave a Comment


Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to have gotten a free historical tour around Lower Manhattan.  I was blessed with this opportunity because I ran into a long time brother and companion of mine.  A childhood friend.  This is one of the dudes in your life who always comes through when it isn't expected.  A pure righteous heart who loves fearlessly.  His family is the same, strong passionate and righteous.  I love for them all.  I've known this brother for decades and he has always been a good friend to have at your side and today that still stands true!  

I was walking around Manhattan, the Wall Street area, looking for a some landmarks to capture behind my lens. I had an assignment given to me recently that I wanted a head start on.  As I left the World Trade area, I saw a building that caught my eye.  It was the only building on the block that was white and gold.  As I approached the building, I heard a faint call to my left.  I quickly glanced and saw Tony approaching me with a big smile and a PEACE sign in the air.  I was ecstatic!  It was good seeing him in good shape, despite the sling on his right arm.   (Yeh, this guy works out vigorously, a beast!  So he goes hard at everything and anything he does becomes a wrk out, so I quickly walked towards him and greeted him.  We walked back to his tour bus and he immediately offered me a tour.  I was good with that!

As we traveled around Manhattan, all of what I was seeing became a completely new world.  The history of each road we traveled and surrounding landmarks wer being revealed as I gazed out the tinted window of his tour bus.  Although I lived in NY all my life, I felt like a tourist for those few hours.  I learned so much on this adventure and it felt good seeing someone close to me submerged in the history of the land we live in sharing as we use to so often in the past.  I visited, sites, parks, buildings, piers and Taverns I never knew of, even passed streets which aren't on our NYC maps.  At the end of the tor, I received a free pass to hop on the water Taxi, what a day!!  It was a great day on so many levels, thanks to my brother Tony.  Shouts to my man 50 Grans as they say.  Love is Love!







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